We have both had dog companions all of our lives. We started formal obedience training in the 1980's when we purchased two German Shepherd Dogs. We have trained several German Shepherds to their Companion Dog titles, 4 Companion Dog Excellent titles, and one trained through Utility, although she was unable to earn the title due to her age and inability to jump. Two of our German Shepherds are registered Therapy Dogs through the Delta Society; and one Havanese, YoYo, is a registered Therapy Dog.
Please visit our "Original Site" (Tab at top of this page) for more information.
I couldn't ever say it as well as Diana (Ronan's Mom)
Highly reputable breeder of wonderful Havanese dogs. The breeding lines used (for those who are looking for a pup to do shows, or agility, or simply purists -- which we have become!) are superior. Mary Ann works with a few other highly reputable breeders to ensure the best Havs are born into the Payasa family. People must apply to get a Payasa pup, and references are checked -- and a contract is signed before you can take one of their incredible puppies home. The breed itself is a very special one -- PLEASE make sure that before you get a Hav, or another small breed/toy dog, you are the right family for it. The Payasa bred Havs are the among the best of the breed. These dogs are labeled "Velcro Dogs", as they stick close by their people, and they do NOT do well at all if consistently left alone for more than a very few hours per day. IF you get a happy Payasa puppy, you will actually want to give him or her the best environment, the right diet and exercise, with gentle, affirmative, reward-based training ... Plus, a Havanese gives and needs a lot of love, and the rewards are tremendous. Add excellent vet care, a gentle and loving groomer, affection and lots of kind, sweet, human interaction, and a very special dog will be yours for a very long time. If you could see our darling, funny, loving 2-yr-old Payasa boy melt the hearts of everyone he encounters --- the tough trash-collector guys stop for hellos if he's out (always with one of his people and always on a leash!), the busy UPS drivers, the construction workers, the mail man, and every adult or teen or child having a walk in the neighborhood ... you would understand how much these darling, bright, sensitive dogs need protection from those who won't or can't care for them correctly. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Get a highly reputable breeder like Mary Anne, or just email Payasa to get advice. Havs are cared about so deeply by this Payasa family that even if you don't get a dog from them, just east of Indianapolis, you'll get clear and caring information.
Mary Anne & Dale
2021 version
picture in the original website is a "few" years older